Abasta, J., Mercado, R., Sosa, E., Yu., K., Rabin, B., Treichler, E. B. H. How do Veterans with SMI and VA clinicians vary in their perceptions of needed adaptations of recovery-oriented interventions for VA settings? An investigation of a systematic adaptation. {PDF}
Sosa, E., Abasta, J., Mercado, R., Yu, K., Rabin, K., Treichler, E. B. H. (2021) Stakeholder-Informed Adaptations of a Behavioral Health Intervention in a VA Setting. {PDF}
Mercado, R., Ben-David, S., Kolomejac, S., Treichler, E. B. H. (2020) Person-First Language, Identity-First Language, and Their Effect on People with Serious Mental Illness: A Scoping Study. {PDF}
Gomez, E., McBride, L., Seaton, S., Hagans, W., Hoxey, A., Treichler, E. B. H. (2022) Effectiveness of novel recruiting strategies and barriers to the recruitment of veterans from racial and ethnic minority groups with serious mental illness. {PDF}
Seaton, S. M., Jain, J. N., McBride, L., Quan, Z., Bangal, J. S., Girard, V., Treichler, E. B. H (2023) Feasibility of an active control group therapy of collaborative decision skills training. {PDF}
McBride, L., Gomez, E., Sosa, E., Michelle P. Salyers, Treichler, E. B. H (2023) Using a novel method to measure collaboration in usual care between veterans with SMI and their clinicians. {PDF}
Melkote, V., Quan, Z., Treichler, E. B. H. (2023) What's in the name? A scoping review of preferences for person-first, identity-first, and other models for naming serious mental illness and other disabilities. {PDF}
Bangal, J., McBride, L., Jain, J. N., Gomez, E., Rabin, B., Treichler, E. B. H (2023) Feasibility and preliminary outcomes of collaborative decision skills training in a VA open trial. {PDF}